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Thursday, September 4, 2014


Your complete guide to help you better understand, care for and enjoy your cat. Celebrating the human-feline bond, the magazine provides responsible cat owners with the information they need to help their cats live long, healthy lives. Share the learning experiences and spcial stories of cat lovers just like you and get a colorful centerfold poster in each issue.


1) Cat Care 101, and Great Photos. - This is a very useful magazine for anyone who has had cats for along time, or for those who have just adopted one. It focuses on Feline health, safety, maintenance, happiness & giving your cat a comfy home. In the Oct, 2007 issue the article by L.K.Kozlowski on "cat depression, was very helpful in dealing with a new cat arrival to my family, that did not sit well with one of our males. Cat Fancy features "Humane Matters, Ask The Vet, and many other topics." Such as what various cat sounds mean, & dealing with your allergies when you own cats. The latter is still a tough problem even after twenty five years of living with cats.

Most articles give some useful information, but few delve deeply into the topic. That is the only flaw with this magazine, it is too short. It also has great photos including many submitted by its readers. I usually like the "Centerfold Breed," article the most. This is always fresh with far more in depth information. Perhaps, it is not as good as it was five years ago? But, Cat Fancy still deserves four stars.

September 14, 2007

2) for those of us who are cat people... - Cat Fancy is especially useful for anyone who has recently adopted a cat, as it emphasizes feline health and maintenance, and how to keep your cat safe, happy, and comfortable at home; a recent issue for instance, was "Paws Off That Plant !", giving tips on the best ways to keep your greenery from being chewed up, and also which plants are toxic, with a chart showing what the symptoms and treatment are if ingested, along with photos of the plants for easy identification.
There was also an article on declawing, what exactly the procedure is, why it has become a controvesial topic, and the reasons most animal experts and veterinarians do not recommend it.
As part of Cat Fancy's regular features, it has marvelous and usually humorous photos sent in by readers, and is also a source for breeders, with a large directory, and a "Cat Calendar", which lists all the shows and events throughout North America.
"Cat Care 101" always has useful information, and then there is "Fancy Shopper", with every product imaginable for your four-pawed pal, from the useful to the ridiculous. Who would ever think that there were so many ways to make a litter pan ? There is sure to be one that is perfect for your kitty, and she will also thank you for all the good stuff you learn in this magazine.

August 24, 2003
By Alejandra Vernon

For More Details-

(CLICK here)
Cat Fancy (1-year auto-renewal)

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